Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Working at Home, Hopefully

I have been trying to figure out how I can bring in some extra income while I am at home with the baby in February. I've been thinking about writing online for a few different sites, but none of them pay particularly well. Until I actually take the leap and go for it, I have been asking everyone for advice. Fortunately, I got great advice about from an old Myers Park Mustang - Katy Orell. She is a great writer and is trying to make here mark in California right now. Please check out her articles.

Any work-at-home parents have any advice or suggestions for a soon to be mom?

1 comment:

  1. check out one of my preschool moms runs that site and a couple of the moms blog for them. Not sure how the pay is, but I know that they have lauched a site in the Greensboro/Winston area. Surely, the Raleigh/Durham area would be prime, too. Momma


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