Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's not a Diet, It's a Lifestyle Change

For the past 17 days, I have been working on a little self diagnosed addiction. You see, I am a recovering SUGAR ADDICT.
That feels better. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right?  The truth is, I never really knew I had a problem until recently. It all started with my mom (don't all things seem to start with a little idea your mother put in your head?). My mom had noticeably lost some weight and she just looked overall healthier. My sisters and I asked what was up?  A new fad diet? A boot camp class? How about a miracle skinny pill? Nope. She just cut out the sugar. That's it. After she emailed my sisters & me about all of her health numbers heading in the right direction due to this no sugar thing, I was ready to jump on the bandwagon. It sounded so simple. No sugar = healthier self inside & out.

Instead of just cutting out any added sugar from my diet, I decided that my body needed a safe reboot. I have never been able to stick to diet and I think a huge part of that is that I get a taste of something sugary and decide to throw in the towel… you know, before devouring the rest of the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that I purchased as a reward for doing so well on my diet that week. I decided I needed to cut out all the junk in order to make this work.

I don't know what happened in my head to get the will-power to actually stick to a healthy eating plan this time (especially since we had doughnuts in the house). I guess I was just ready to make it happen. I picked up the 17 Day Diet from our local library & started eating clean the very next day. Lean meat + veggies + fruit + yogurt = one happy & healthy me.

Oh yeah, I also lost 16 pounds already. Say What?! That's one way to keep a girl motivated!

Seriously, I have never felt better. I feel more alert and energized and rested when I wake up in the morning - even with a night waking baby. After watching a few documentaries on health (Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead being one of my favorites), I have decided to never go back to my former eating habits. I feel too good and I'm thinking to clearly to put my body through that again.

I am no doctor, but eating a plant-based diet can't be the worse thing for you… as opposed to a pizza and ice cream based diet. Here's to staying on the wagon this time & eating clean. What have you done to help improve the way you feel? Yoga? Relaxation techniques?  Clean eating, perhaps?


  1. Go Quinn!! I'd love for you to post some example recipes / meals as a future post. I need some motivation and ideas. So glad I found your blog.

    1. Thanks Whitney! A future recipe post is in the works. I have been missing snacking on sweet treats, so I am experimenting a little with using almond flour / coconut flour / coconut palm sugar. I'll give an update as soon as I am successful at making something healthy + tasty. :)

  2. Woo! Congrats! Though I do love that pizza and ice cream diet :) I did the Whole 30 Challenge last month and it was so hard but so amazing. My takeaway is that I am in control of what I eat and I don't actually need a dessert every single day. Same goes for a piece of pizza. Ever since I've been trying to have more courage in choosing what things go into my body to nourish and energize it. I also crochet like a mad woman at night to provide an alternative to my night time snacking habit.

    1. The pizza & ice cream diet is still my favorite, but my body just can't take it anymore. I've heard of a couple of blogger friends doing Whole 30- I'll have to look into it. Currently blog redesign & Pinterest have been my alternative to snacking :). Love the idea of crocheting! It's probably more relaxing to crochet & be away from the internet for a while

  3. That's awesome! I would love to loose 17 pounds! Unfortunately I love cake more. Haha! I really should at least try to eat less processed food with less preservatives though. For sure.

  4. So proud of you! I sort of feel like I'm "cheating" when I drink my yummy green smoothie for breakfast! I've signed up to do a 30 day green smoothie challenge with unconventional kitchen beginning May 1. LYMI


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